say ling sien y u stick out ur tongue ler..haha....jz kiddin yo~n where is ur fingers like ours...haha....

chia ee n me...zhu ying tai n liang shan puo ler~ kai wan siao..haha..

dajie n pretty denise...^_^

cute cute er mei n dajie...bluek...cheese.....!!!

bday girls making their kawaii nee......

c dis li ling still sing song while taking pics....hoho...@=@"

kirei (pretty) gurls.....chia ee n denise...

smile @_@
2day we're celebrating chia ee n denise bday in neway oo... but hor.. the cake is chia ee n denise bought de ler~...where can like this de..aiyer...this two sou xing po realli ar...haiz...anyway.. the seven of us were havin so much fun n we took lots pics 2..hahaha....tell u guys li ling's camera realli can throw into the dustbin n buy another 1 la..haha cos hor..whn u snap hor...eventhough u din move the pic tt we snap oso will b blur de...haha..jz kiddin la li ling..pls dun b mad ya...haiz..QQ din cum....